Hi, friends! I don’t know about you, but 2017 was something of a roller coaster for me. High highs and low lows. That’s life sometimes, isn’t it?
But you know what has been consistently awesome and totally unexpected? The positive response to Adored since its release in October. I have been overwhelmed in the very best way possible! To celebrate, I’m hosting an Adored giveaway to ring in the new year. Enter below because I love to give people presents. The grand prize pack has a signed copy, a $25 Amazon gift card, and lots of fun surprises. Two runners-up will each receive a signed copy of Adored. There are lots of ways to enter–following on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, signing up for my mailing list, etc. But there’s also a free entry for everyone, no strings attached. Just because you’re awesome.
Have a blessed 2018, guys, and remember–YOU are adored!
Note: For email list sign-up entries, it may be easier to sign up through my form below than to copy/paste the link from the giveaway itself. Sign up however is easiest for you, then enter your email address on the giveaway entry form. Same goes for those who already subscribe to my list(s)! I will verify your entries, as long as you enter your email on the giveaway form. 🙂
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Thank you so much!